Tag Archives: Unit Editions

Monday Load of Links

Pine no longer, deliverance is at hand – it’s your late-in-the-day-lazy-old-list of the past weeks most interesting design links. Conveniently posted here so you don’t have to search so much.

Doing the most work doesn’t necessarily translate into doing your best work, how to keep your creativity when the pressure’s on.

It’s easy to get into the doldrums at this time of the year after the spark of getting back into working starts to dwindle – so check on what these designers are most looking forward to in the coming months to perk up your enthusiasm.

Can’t find that elusive font that you’ve spotted out in the wilderness? Maybe those letters don’t come from a font at all.

Khoi Vinh always has something thoughtful to add to the design discussion, but he’s getting worried that not enough of us are playing along.

Unit Editions have another great design book out, this time on the rubdown lettering solution of my wayward youth, Letraset.

Mark Farrow has had a long-standing relationship with the visual language of the Pet Shop Boys that continues to this day.

Rob Ryan is a man with much more patience that I think I could ever hope to muster. Check out his beautiful cut paper illustrations and how he goes about creating them.